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Does Religion Put a Limit on Human Potential?

Friday, March 20, 2009 by J.D. , under ,

Christianity is the monotheistic doctrine of the New testament though the word of Jesus Christ. Originally a Jewish sect in the mid-first century, Christianity evolved into a dominant religion in the Roman Empire. Christianity also was responsible for shaping the foundation of Western civilization starting in the 4th Cen. 313 Constantine issued the Edict of Milan that proclaimed religions toleration throughout the Byzantium empire which heavily propelled the Christian faith. This essentially in my understanding,is the forceful indoctrination of a faith onto the people, and a direct contradiction in the "separation in church and state" that reverberates with fervor throughout the Western world today. Its pretty clear that the separation of church and state is non existent. Not with politicians campaigning in churches, using certain Christian beliefs sway a vote one way or the other. Not with for years people having to put there hand on the bible and swear to God they are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

It is understood and no secret that Christianity was used for social control but not necessarily in nefarious manner, because in some fashion, there has to be order. But now, a group of people in the 4th Century who may have been poor, uneducated, so on and so forth are dedicating their lives to solely getting into heaven. With the advancement of humans mentally, physically, and emotionally, is buying into an ancient "story" hindering your ability to reach your human potential? Does it make sense to live under laws that were applicable centuries ago, in completely different context? Just my thoughts...not necessarily my beliefs....

3 Responses to 'Does Religion Put a Limit on Human Potential?'

March 20, 2009 at 4:00 PM

Comment by Courtney.

All organized religion has corruption, whether that lives in the foundation of it or in its people... Christianity is no exception. I think it's important to believe in /something/ scientific or spiritual, as long as there is a sincere tolerance of every other belief, regardless of how "satanic" you think it is. We see what happens when there's a refusal to tolerate another belief. Wars occur (Israel/Palestine). People are turned off from listening to anything you have to say (homosexual protests at the Inauguration -- like, really??). Hate grows (Sept. 11).

March 20, 2009 at 5:17 PM

Not with for years people having to put there hand on the bible and swear to God they are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


You can swear in on the Qu'ran , i thought?

Just sayin...

March 20, 2009 at 7:52 PM

Throughout ancient history, any time mankind couldn't find a logical explanation for things he saw around him, religion and spirituality was always the answer. Many of these archaic beliefs are definitely not applicable to the times that we are living in today, and I believe it is definitely hindering our ability to move forward as a civilization.

Slowly but surely, many people are starting to wake up from religious delusion. Studies show that church attendance in 2008 was down 44% over the previous year, and CNN just recently had a study on one of the programs that showed many people in North America referring to themselves as having no affiliation with any religion whatsoever.

That's a good sign for the enlightened few who are outside of the religious spectrum. With all those studies, I truly believe that religion will be extinct within the next millenia. I just wish I could live to see that day.

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