Meeting of the Minds!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009 by J.D. , under ,

Cornell West and Lupe Fiasco give lecture at Calvin College

Grammy nominated Lupe Fiasco and laureate extraordinaire Dr. Cornell West displayed regal caliber enlightenment and intellectual prowess on stage at Calvin College a college in Grand Rapids Michigan. The irony is that they had never met before this encounter but in my following them over the years they have both cited and expressed inspiration from each others work. Dr. West acts almost as if to be a humbled reporter interviewing the world renowned musician. They go into deep reflection about the idea of "self" and both of their "legacies". I found this lecture to be extremely progressive, and a great way to show the depth to those involved in Hip Hop Music.

Courtesy of

you can stream it or download it here

Who Killed It???

Thursday, April 2, 2009 by J.D. , under , ,

"some n****s wanna sit down and complain about, I wanna sit down analyze see how it came about"

To a lot of you this video may be old, but this may be one of the most revolutionary assessments of hip hop culture that I've heard and I felt I needed to bring it to light again. This 15 minute cultural autopsy looks deep nucleus of hip hop music, challenging the very fabric that we use to sow our consciousness. As of late, Joey has had much digital success taking over the internet with endless music and giving the public a direct look into his life with Joe Budden TV. Joe Budden is giving fans a REALISTIC view of the life of a rapper. He uploads footage of him and his close group of friends having realistic conversations about real life. He's constantly filming: in the studio, on the street, and in his house (not the house he rented for the MTV cribs half hour special that was financed by his label) Surprisingly he has many uploads with his girlfriend Tihiri, and talks about proposing and getting married constantly. I find this amazing because this is not the stereotypical action of a rapper. To have "one" woman and profess your love for her publicly is the exact opposite of what a lot of rappers portray, not because that’s who they really are, but because they have to fit into an image molded by the public. I commend Joey for not being plagued by social cowardice and giving fans an organic blueprint of him. Shout out to Jump off Joey. Enjoy!