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Maybe John McCain Was Right

Sunday, June 14, 2009 by Andre Melvin Jones, Jr. , under

During the election, Sen. John McCain threw out the notion that, then, Sen. Barack Obama was a celebrity, comparing him to the likes of Lindsey Lohan and Britney Spears. The senator's remarks were seen as childish and were met with some "poopooing" and backlash. However, now, five months since his election in January, Present Obama has been more of a high-profile celebrity and low-profile politician; not mention his recent "Cribs" special on NBC.

I thought only rappers and actors and other "celebrities" were featured on that show. I thought 50 Cent was doing it when he had an entire hour of MTV Cribs to himself; but Obama eclipsed that by having his own White House tour special on NBC for TWO HOURS! The only thing he didn't show us was what was in his fridge! Which probably had in it: some old leftover "yellow cake" [think: Dave Chappelle]; maybe a bottle of Cristal; and of course, John McCain's lunch! I don't think there was ever a President--except maybe Ronald Reagan--with this much celebrity and exposure. Who is this guy? Who does he think he is?

Bill Maher recently addressed this issue on his show, Real Time with Bill Maher, saying that he would like to see less of this president in the limelight and a lot more "audacity"referring to his [Obama's] "The Audacity of Hope" book. As Bill Maher said: " 'The Audacity of Hope" part if over." I sort of understand what President Obama may be doing with all this transparency and exposure on his part. Though it's making him look good as an idol, it's making him look bad as a President--and that's what he's here to be.

The songs, the videos, the t-shirts, the A-List celebrity endorsements, the campaigning, it's all done. Now--and this is a charge to President Obama personally--we need you to be the presidential businessman we elected you to be and get the job done. Leave the "Cribs" and the other brand-building strategies to the celebrities. The road ahead--which I'm sure you know more about than any of us--looks bleak. We elected you to be the President and change this miserable condition here in America; not tickle our fancies with your special guest appearances and soothing, well-spoken speeches. Enough of being "Denzel" and more of being "The President!"

This is Washington. Not Hollywood.

2 Responses to 'Maybe John McCain Was Right'

June 18, 2009 at 11:08 PM

I would tend to share your comments on Obama, but maybe it's because our society is not use to this type of Presidental exposure. Why shouldn't our President be a part of technological advancements, bringing the public into his "crib" does not affect him being a President. I thought the piece was informative for those of us who can't afford a trip to the White house.

June 18, 2009 at 11:15 PM

Comment by J.D..

I believe the problem is that there are pressing issues at the current time that hold more weight than a tour of the white house. How relavent is a tour of the white house to the controversial war in iraq, GITMO, and the current health care reform in the US.

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