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Bigger Than Music

Monday, June 29, 2009 by J.D. , under ,

The Hypocrisy of a Nation: The Power of Media

As the world mourns the King of Pop, and music television stations have Michael Jackson tribute shows on repeat, all I can do is shake my head at the hypocrisy of this country. For the last ten years of Michael’s life he endured extreme character assassination. Michael was slandered by American media for years. He was persecuted and ridiculed for his extensive nose jobs, questionable sexuality, skin color, and being an alleged child molester. I was listening to the 98.7 Kiss FM today while writing this and the DJ said, “he was a giant and we should honor him for all time.” Where was the honor when he was in times of despair? Where was his praise then? The most sentient and controversial moments of Michael’s life became the butt of every comedians joke and the blueprint for innumerable sketch comedy shows, but now that he's dead...we're sorry? Michael has said time and time again that he's a perfectionist, and nothing is every perfect enough. So is it possible that Michael tore his body apart to fit into the perfect mold he thought his fans wanted? Is it worth it to dedicate your life to millions of people whom didn't have your best interest at heart? Michael may have been the King of Pop and sold 100 million records, but he died a lonely man. I guess that's the price of fame. The good Michael did heavily out weigh any questionable "bad" and that is what he should be remembered for. Michael is among a handful of artists whose music was powered by an energy that was bigger than them and served a bigger purpose. Michael Jackson wasn’t, R&B, or Pop, or Rock n Roll, or Hip Hop. He was Music. The media was able to destroy this man, like they do so many other people. Again, lets remember not only what Michael has done as an artist, but as a humanitarian.

8 Responses to 'Bigger Than Music'

June 29, 2009 at 12:18 PM

Comment by Courtney.

my thoughts exactly... all though, knowing Michael he loves that we're finally giving him the love that he deserves (whereas I would have given a sincere fuck you to all the hypocrites)

June 29, 2009 at 12:55 PM

Comment by JJ.

"So is it possible that Michael tore his body apart to fit into the perfect mold he thought his fans wanted?"

Dave Chapelle, in a comedy sketch, said something to that exact effect. He said "just remember, when we joke about michael, that in some way...some weird way, he did all that [the changes to his body, skin, etc] for you, for fsns."

Another case of genius comedians knowing the truth about matters... good post, all in all, yall.

June 29, 2009 at 2:58 PM

Comment by J.D..

Thats the problem with this county. We have the most fickle fans in the world. Which is contradiction bc fan is short for "fanatic" and to be a fickle fanatic doesn't even make sense, but some how Americans make it possible. The media is so powerful, but has no direction(Hence the headless giant). A world of good can be undone by one cover story on some bogus allegations. Stands true for many artists that the media has driven nuts over the years. Then People disappear out the spot light and we call them "crazy". How rude.

June 29, 2009 at 4:38 PM

Comment by JJ.

yea man, the mega media loves to create "self fulfilling prophecies" by exagerating either a mistake, a weird decision, or a flaw, and over-covering it until the coverage itself drives a person over the edge...thus making the media seem like prophets when in reality they helped said artist/celebrity's problem grow to all knew heights. smh

June 29, 2009 at 4:39 PM

Comment by JJ.

n how yall aint post nuthin on the Lupe Lasers manifesto video?!?! If that aint related to the missions of this site, i quit lol

June 29, 2009 at 5:01 PM

Comment by J.D..

hahaa, my apologies....

June 29, 2009 at 6:41 PM

Comment by G Torres.

Michael Jackson is definitely an Icon to the entire entertainment industry and not just music. We all know he was not perfect and the child molestation is just something that you can say he innocently brought upon himself but think about this why would he pay a family $30 million dollars if he was innocent?? I for one don't care about this mans personal life because to me he was an entertainer that I enjoyed dearly. Many people in America do not know how to form their opinion, therefore they base their opinions off of what other people say. We should judge any entertainer for their entertainment factor and not their personal life. Good Post J.D.

June 29, 2009 at 11:04 PM

Comment by JJ.

to the above comment...

What is so bad about saying he was a genius, gifted entertainer with significant personal and mental issues?

It doesn't have to be a black and white (not relating to his skin color btw lol) thing, there's a grey area. You can be terribly confused or disturbed as well as a genius. MJ was both.

If we judge entertainers only by their entertainment, should we judge presidents only by their policy and ignore their personal life? Should we also judge malcolm X by his public speech and ignore his personal struggle?

In my opinion...and that's what it is, my opinion, not necessarily fact even though i would argue it...we are obligated to pay attention to both personal life and profession if exposed to both.

The key is media not OVER FOCUSING and EXAGGERATING one or the other...which happens all the time.

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